If you found this page, you likely want to get your amateur (or ham) radio license. There are many techniques that people share. None of these are wrong. Different people learn differently. Here is the technique that I used to get my license.
I like to know the context and more on the subject and this approach satisfied that without having an Elmer, or a person willing to teach radio, sit down and show me everything. This does take quite a bit of time to watch, read, and study. You will need to purchase the ARRL handbook for the license class you are studying for. If you are just starting and not sure where to begin, look for the Technician manual. This process also uses the Ham Study app. The website version is free and the mobile app costs a one-time nominal fee.
Here’s the process that worked for me:
Not everyone is as detailed as I am. Here is a collection of various resources you can utilize to study for your license. Choose the license you are studying for:
The FCC ULS (Universal Licensing System) is well… a government system and not very user-friendly. Here are a few resources to help get you to the right place.